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Hạng B2
Nhìn nó mà da gà nổi hết cả. Em mê nhóc 230sl cũng như austin healey MKIII này mà chưa đủ tuổi cũng như chưa đủ lúa để cưới.
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Em này đời bao nhiêu vậy các bác ?!?!
<h3>230 SL (1963–1967)</h3>
Mercedes-Benz 230 SL, US model

Production of the 230 SL commenced in June 1963 and ended on 5 January 1967. Its chassis was based on the W 111 sedan platform, with a reduced wheelbase by 30 cm (11.8 in), recirculating ball steering (with optional power steering), double wishbone front suspension and an independent single-joint, low-pivot swing rear-axle with transverse compensator spring. The dual-circuit brake system had front disc brakes and power-assisted rear drum brakes.[5][/sup] The 230 SL was offered with a 4-speed manual transmission, or an optional, very responsive fluid coupled (no torque converter) 4-speed automatic transmission, which was popular for US models. From May 1966, the ZF S5-20 5-speed manual transmission was available as an additional option, which was particularly popular in Italy. Of the 19,831 230 SLs produced, less than a quarter were sold in the US.
The 2,308 cc (2.3 L) M127.II inline-six engine with 150 PS (110 kW; 150 hp) and 196 N·m (145 lb·ft) torque was based on Mercedes-Benz' venerable M180 inline-six with four main bearings and mechanical Bosch multi-port fuel injection. Mercedes-Benz made a number of modifications to boost its power, including increasing displacement from 2,197 cc (2.2 L), and using a completely new cylinder head with a higher compression ratio (9.3 vs. 8.7), enlarged valves and a modified camshaft. A fuel injection pump with six plungers instead of two was fitted, which allowed placing the nozzles in the cylinder head and "shooting" the fuel through the intake manifold and open valves directly into the combustion chambers.[6][/sup] An optional oil-water heat exchanger was also available.
Mercedes-Benz Chief Engineer Rudolf Uhlenhaut, who was as competent behind the wheel as any racing driver, demonstrated the capabilities of the 230 SL on the tight three-quarter mile Annemasse Vétraz-Monthoux race track in 1963, where he put up a best lap time of 47.5 seconds vs. 47.3 seconds by Grand Prix driver Mike Parkes on his 3 liter V12 Ferrari 250 GT.[7][/sup]
A brief chronology of the most notable changes made to the 230 SL:[8][/sup]
  • 10/1963: First 230 SL with automatic transmission.
  • 09/1964: Spare tire well removed, tire mounted horizontally.
  • 11/1964: Optional tinted/thermal glass and new soft-top with steel bows (distinguished by missing chrome trim on the outer trailing edge).[9][/sup]
  • 04/1964: US models with radio Becker Europa TR instead of Europa TG.
  • 08/1965: Some harmonization with new W 108/W 109 sedans, incl. new floor panels, combined brake and clutch fluid reservoir, trunk light and interior changes. US models with hazard lights.
  • 03/1966: Mounts for three-point seat belts added.
  • 05/1966: Optional ZF 5-speed manual transmission; rare and now very desirable.