Hỏi/Đáp Kỹ Thuật How long ago was it

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How long ago was it weird for was probably most people still don’t know what it means for are just as a look at our house yeah it through the latter is a where %uh you know sciences are you exactly sure how that process really works we just know the surveys made it Lifeforce T-Boost work more effectively so I think from that standpoint is still very do it we're seeing other a group coming with various other forms about ties you know that has been around for centuries literally and has been utilized is other forms of you know for health purposes and things like that reforms that were is still extremely you and so there's a whole other things the you know what I was doing so when the servers to market being her is that is used for things from scientific injury for those are really interested mister the scientific there's a whole lot more other were saying on the backside to those guys absolutely on anything I think cover lot does a lot of questions three questions up you know first I'll as a skeptic just starts I'll I here there's no controlled by yourself but rein you know yes get one negative email as a history that does is appositive emails weasel the group's thousands Osama’s a hundred more .
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