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Em tình cơ vô site này https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/2891345

Thấy có mấy link dành cho service manual, post để nếu bác nào cần thì down nhé ( vô thẳng forum theo link trên )

Owner's Tips:[/b]
- If you are going to collect your new car from sales room / SA, please use this New Vehicle Collection Checklist (Click)to check the car for any defect!
- Common issue for new car - the battery connection is loose and the tyre pressure is too high (Optimum is 32 as per stated at the plate between the car pillar)!
- Read all the manuals that come with your car. It answers most of your questions.
- 2011 Mitsubishi Lancer & Lancer Sportback Service Manual - Download (305MB)
- 2008 LANCER Service Manual, Technical Information & Body Repair Manual Data - Download (161MB)
- 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Service Manual - Download (88.6MB PDF Rapidshare) | Mirror (92.92MB ZIP Fileserve)
- 2008 Lancer Evolution Service Manual Data - Download (193MB)
- Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT and GLS service cost from ckk125 - Click here.
- First service tips from Malaysian_driver.
- If your car got "ngek ngek" sound when go through speed breaker, ask SC to change the bushing (Parts Number: Front:MN502001 Rear:MN502019)
- If your car got "kluk kluk" sound when go through speed breaker, ask SC to change the bumper stopper (More pictures) (Parts Number: Front:MN502436 Rear:MN502437) (A SURE FIX BY ckk125!)
- If your car is noisy and lose power after servicing it, it might due to the air filter is not secured properly. Check out this guide from XCInspire (Click).
- Tips to smoothen MT gear change from miuk - LINK.
- Guide by ckk125 (Click) on how to reset the service reminder.
- Guide by ckk125 (Click) on how to adjust the level of the headlight.
- Solution from XCInspire (Click) for the noises from the passenger side.
- Video by ckk125 (Click) on "KLUK" sound issue (Issue that happens after changing the bushing and not under study on countermeasures for the bump stoppers by Proton)
- More video on the rear left rattling sound when go over uneven roads, and possible solutions by ckk125.
- A possible fix for the dashboard rattle sound - LINK
- Some info by ckk125 (Click) on 2.0P CVT Auto-Climate Air-cond.
- The battery for the remote is CR1616 (Info from XCInspire)
- How to insert the battery for the Blaupunkt HU remote control properly.
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Hêh cái này ngon nè, nhưng đọc kỹ hướng dẫn sử dụng truwowsc khi dùng nha mấy bác vì

1. gala việt nam ráp theo tiêu chuẩn việt nam thêm tí đông âu
2. Lancer forrtis không giống Lancer GtS
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Tập Lái
bác ơi! bác xem lại giùm em mấy cái link trên vs ạ, em thử mấy cái mà toàn bị die hết rồi thôi bác ạ. :((