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Con bọ VW Beetle và những cột mốc trưởng thành


Những con Bọ đầu tiên được mang tên KdF-wagen. Kdf viết tắt từ "Kraft durch Freude", tiếng Anh nghĩa là "power by joy" (tạm dịch "chạy bằng niềm vui"). Xe có hệ thống phanh tang trống cơ khí, cửa sổ sau riêng biệt, bộ phận báo chuyển hướng điều khiển cơ khí và hộp số không có bộ đồng tốc. Trong thời chiến, khung gầm của chiếc KdF-wagen này đã được sử dụng cho các mẫu xe quân sự như Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen và Kommandeurswagen.

Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Mẫu prototype 1937

Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Mẫu prototype 1937


Con Bọ được trang bị động cơ 1131 cc lớn giống như chiếc Kommandeurswagen, logo của VW được gắn ở mỗi mâm bánh xe. Volkswagen giới thiệu phiên bản "Beetle đặc biệt" dành cho xuất khẩu.

Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Mẫu 1938 mui xếp

Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Một chiếc 1938 sedan phục chế nguyên bản


Con Bọ có chỗ gắn bảng số bầu bĩnh và thanh thoát hơn vào năm 1955. VW thiết kế bộ phận báo chuyển hướng điều khiển bằng điện, cùng với những thanh cản đặc biệt.

Tháng 8-1957, VW nới rộng các cửa sổ của con Bọ, cửa trước tăng 17% và cửa sau tăng 95%. Nắp ca-pô không còn gân nổi hình chữ W mà trở nên bằng phẳng hơn.

Nội thất được cải tiến. Táp-lô mới và một gương chiếu hậu, thấp thoáng có chuẩn bị chỗ để gắn radio và một loa trong tương lai. Chỗ gắn bảng số được nâng cao hơn một chút.

Tháng 8-1959, xuất hiện tay nắm cửa có nút bấm, thay thế cho kiểu cũ đã dùng suốt 20 năm.

Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Mẫu Schwimmwagen (xe lội nước) 1942-1944


Vào năm 1960, con Bọ có vô-lăng mới với một vòng mạ crôm.

Ít có thay đổi nào cho con Bọ năm 1963. Một hệ thống sưởi mới để tránh tình trạng khí thải đi vào trong ca-bin xe. Logo của nhà máy Wolfsburg không còn được gắn nữa.

Tháng 8-1965 (bắt đầu model xe 1966), con Bọ có động cơ mới 1285 cc. Được lắp trục khủyu của chiếc VW 1500, công suất được tăng thêm 17,6%, khoảng 40 mã lực. Để xe dễ được nhận dạng, VW đặt một logo "1300" trên nắp ca-pô. Xe cũng gắn bánh của VW 1500. Xe cũng được gắn đèn xi-nhan lớn hơn phía trước mũi.

VW giới thiệu con Bọ Beetle 1500 vào năm 1967. Chiếc xe được trang bị động cơ cải tiến lên 1493 cc, Type 3, phanh dĩa ở bánh trước (chỉ dành cho phiên bản Châu Âu). Xe ở Mỹ thì có đèn trước đặt theo mặt dựng đứng và xài bóng 12 volt. Nắp ca-pô bắt đầu xuất hiện các góc cạnh do máy lớn hơn. Xe được lắp thanh ngang chống lật khi quay vòng (anti-roll-bar).

Mẫu 1500 được coi như mẫu tốt nhất trong suốt lịch sử dòng họ nhà Bọ.


1971 - VW giới thiệu con Bọ Beetle 1500 mới với hộp số bán tự động. Đây cũng là năm tung ra các mẫu 13021302S, được xem như những "Siêu Bọ" (Super Beetle). Những chiếc này gắn máy 1300 cải tiến, mỗi xy-lanh có một van hút. Công suất động cơ 44 mã lực. Riêng mẫu 1302S có động cơ 1600 với 50 mã lực. Chi tiết đáng chú ý nhất là hệ thống giảm sóc mới của McPherson. Khoang hành lý cũng to hơn, đạt thể tích 0.25 m3.

1972 - cửa sổ sau cao hơn 4cm. Con Bọ có đèn sau kiểu mới to hơn.

1973 - Con Bọ được thay đổi rất nhiều trong năm này. Hai chiếc 1303 và 1303S có những tính năng mới như cửa sổ trước có tầm nhìn thoáng hơn, giảm sóc trục sau là loại mới. Táp-lô được bọc nhựa thay vì bằng thép như kiểu cũ. Vô-lăng cũng hoàn toàn mới. Nắp ca-pô có lỗ hút gió, giống như các xe mui xếp.

1974 - Đèn chuyển hướng phía trước bắt đầu được gắn ngay trên thanh cản. Nội thất của con Bọ lại trở nên nghèo nàn hơn. Chóa đèn pha được hàn kín làm tăng rõ rệt công năng của dàn đèn trước.

1975 - Con Bọ có thêm rãnh thông khí phía sau cửa sổ sau. Nắp ca-pô kiểu cũ quay trở lại. Tầm nhìn thoáng của cửa sổ trước cũng không còn nữa.

Vào ngày 19 tháng Giêng năm 1978, con Bọ (mẫu sedan) cuối cùng được xuất xưởng tại Emden, Đức.

Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle
Tập Lái
RE: Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Cảm ơn bác PMC. Bài này hay quá! Nhưng không hiểu tại sao tôi không xem đựơc các bức ảnh đính kèm.
Có bác nào biết cách xem các hình đính kèm này thì chỉ giáo giúp. Xin đa tạ trước.
Tập Lái
RE: Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Xin gởi một ít tài liệu bổ sung về đời xe "con bò". Rất tiếc là bằng tiếng Anh. Giá mà bác PMC bỏ chút thời gian dịch cho thì tuyệt vời quá.
The following Volkswagen Beetle information is targeted mainly towards the export models that Volkswagen produced. In some cases this may only apply to models shipped to the United States. Sorry if this information only or mostly applies to models exported to the U.S.

I am not trying to convey that models shipped to the U.S. were better or worse than the average model. I for one am dissappointed that the old flip-up style turn signals were discontinued on U.S. models in 1958. From what I understand, they continued on non-U.S. models until 1962. I know that my right-hand drive 1960 Beetle has them.

Beetle History

First prototype beetle. 1000 (984) engine, 22hp, 5.8 to 1 compression ratio.


1000 (985) engine, 22hp, 5.8 to 1 compression ratio.


External oil cooler added to take care of cooling problem.


Split Rear Window installed.


1100 engine, 25hp, 5.8 to 1 compression ratio.


Had Pope Nose license plate light.


Chassis #91922 to 138554. Solex carburetor made standard equipment. Air flap control on fan shroud discontinued. License plate indentation on rear deck dropped. Inside pull cable release for front hood is added, eliminating lock on old style L-shaped twist handle. Small emblem hubcap replaces big emblem hubcap.


Chassis #138555 to 220471. Cloth Sunroof introduced as an option. Cable Brakes changed to Hydraulic on export models. Starting crankhole discontinued on Cabriolet in late 1950. Sound muffler put in heater ducts. Heat riser added to intake manifold. Automatic engine cooling temperature control with the thermostat. Offset piston wrist pin to reduce piston slap. Tougher alloys for exhaust valves and inserts.


Chassis #220472 to 313829. Chrome garnish molding added to windshield. Wolfsburg crest added to front hood above handle. Vent flaps added to front quarter panels on export models. Double-acting telescopic shocks replace rear lever shocks. Glove box door now standard on convertibles. One heavy valve spring replaces the two used before.


Chassis #313830 to 428156. Crankshaft end play adjustment with three shims. Tire size changed from 5.00x16 to 5.6x15. Six leaved torsion bars added for increased suspension travel. New instrument panel. late 1952 26 PCI carburetor with accelerator pump replaced the old 28 VFIS. "A" transmission with three synchronized gears replaced the old crash box. Number of turns made by the window crank changed from 10-1/2 to 3-1/4. Vent windows added. Vent flaps in front quarter body panels discontinued. Pull-type heating control knob replaced by rotary control knob. "T" type rear hood handle replaces loop type handle. Twin brake and taillights replace center-mounted single version. Single glove box gets a door and replaces the two open bins. Turn signal control moved to steering wheel from dashboard. Interior light moved to center pillar by driver's door. Bumpers and guards strengthened and enlarged. New rear license plate light housing. Self-cancelling windshield wipers. Starting crankhole discontinued on all models.


Chassis #428157 to 575414. One rear window glass instead of two. Lock button added to vent window handles. Brake fluid reservoir moved from master cylinder to behind spare tire. Exterior trim improved with anti-corrosive alloy. Handle added to dash ashtray. Changed third and fourth gear ratios. Changed valve setting to .004". Late 1953 Combination vacuum and mechanical advance distributor added. Increased generator output to 160 watts. Break-in driving requirement for engine dropped.


Chassis #575415 to 722934. 1200 engine, 30hp, 6.1 to 1 compression ratio. Larger intake valves. Cylinder heads redesigned to provide better cooling for the valves and plugs. 28 PCI carburetor. Starter switch taken off dash and incorporated with ignition switch. Three-way interior light. Late 1954 6.6 to 1 compression ratio.


Chassis #722935 to 929745. From 1955 the model changes always came in August, Meaning that model 1956 started in 8.4.55. This is very confusing, when speaking about model year and the year the car was made are two different things. Model years normally follow all the major changes (but there are exceptions as when the new larger taillights with separate chamber for turnsignal was introduced in 5/2/61). Flashing turn signals mounted low on front fenders replace semaphores. Top window in rear taillight housing dropped. Dished steering wheel. New gearshift lever moved forward.


Chassis #929746 to 1246618. Optional sunroof now made of plastic instead of cloth. Optional sunroof is a little smaller than previous year. Gear shift handle now is curved instead of straight. Taillight housing moved 2 inches higher & redesigned with one window only. Bumper overriders added to bumper. Chromed dual tail pipes replace single tail pipe on export models. Black Enamel dual tail pipes are installed on standard models. Steering wheel spoke moved lower off center. Adjustable, wider front seats. Heater knob moved forward. Redesigned gas tank yields larger luggage space. Larger oil pump mounting shaft. Number four main bearing clearance modified. Copper-plated fulcrum plates in universals. Starter motor horsepower increased. Fuel filter tap removed. Late 1956 front floor heater outlet moved rearward. Tubeless tires introduced.


Chassis #1246619 to 1600439. Optional sunroof is again a little smaller than previous year. Oil gallery sizes increased. Metal camshaft gear. Ring and pinion ratio changed. Brake pedal leverage increased. Adjustable striker plates in doors.


Chassis #1600440 to 2007615. New instrument panel. Larger Windshield. Larger rear window. Frame head reinforced. Front turn signals moved to top of fenders. Rear deck lid redesigned. Flat type accelerator replaces roller type. Horizontal air inlets replaced vertical inlets on convertibles. A new dished steering wheel. Radio grille moved left in front of driver. Wider brake drums and shoes. New clutch release assembly with stronger clutch springs. Third and fourth gear ratio changed.


Chassis #2007616 to 2528667. Outer front suspension control arm bushings changed to needle roller bearings. Frame reinforced for greater strength. Anti-sway bar added. Improved fan belt. Stronger clutch springs added.


Safety recessed steering wheel. Steering dampener added. "hour glass" Gemmer steering box is worm and peg instead of worm and roller. Generator output increased from 160 to 180 watts. Outside door handles are now push button instead of pull type. Padded sun visor replaces dark plastic sun visor. Seat back contoured for greater comfort. Wolfsburg crest on front hood less colorful.


1200 engine, 40hp, 7 to 1 compression ratio. Fuel pump is now located to the right of the distributor. Generater stand is no longer cast as part of the block. Lifters & pushrods are no longer a one-piece unit. Valves are now angled in the cylinder heads. 28 PICT carburetor with automatic choke. New tunnel-type "AB" "Fully Synchronized" transmission. Vacuum advance distributor. Positive crankcase ventilation. Flatter gas tank. 28 blade cooling fan. Permanently greased tie rod ends. "Sissy Bar" added. Non-repeat starter switch. Wider front brake shoes and linings. Transparent brake fluid reservoir. Push-on connectors for the wiring system. Pump-type windshield washer. Larger heater pipes. Sunvisor and grab-handle provided for passenger side.


Fuel gauge replaces reserve fuel tap. Switch made from glass to plastic tail lights. Spring balanced front hood. Sliding covers on heat outlets. Progressive type valve springs. Anchor points for seat belts. Stronger clutch springs. Windshield washer uses spare tire for air pressure. Last year semaphores are offered on non-export models.


Fresh air heating "Clean-air" engine with redesigned fan housing, muffler, and heat exchangers. Leatherette head lining. Folding handle for sunroof. Nylon window guides. Foam sandwich floor mats. Wolfsburg hood crest discontinued.


Metal replaces fabric in optional sunroof. Horn activated by two thumb buttons replaces half-ring. Bent vacuum pipe-formerly a loop. Larger front turn signals. Larger license plate light. Aerated vinyl material replaces non-porous leatherette seat upholstery. late 1964 28 PICT-1 Carburetor.


Master cylinder and wheel cylinders changed. New cooling air control system with flaps in the bottom of the fan housing. Heater efficiency improved. Lever type heater and defroster controls replace rotary knob. Window and windshield area increased with slightly curved windshield. Slimmer door and windshield posts. Window vent made smaller, angled back, and lock moved from bottom to side. More powerful windshield wipers and longer wiper blades. New chassis numbering system. Thinner, deeply contoured front seats. Increased rear seat knee room. Rear seat folds flat to hold more stuff. Change from T-handle to pushbutton engine hood latch. Swivel mounted sun visors. Push-button catch on engine lid. Dome light incorperated in rear-view mirror assembly on convertibles.


1300 engine, 50hp. "1300" added to rear deck. 30 PICT-1 carburetor. Cam bearings started. Emergency blinker switch. Ventilated wheel slots and flatter hub caps. Larger Rear View Mirror. Headlight dimmer switch mounted on turn signal handle instead of floor. Center dashboard defroster outlet. Semi-circular horn ring. Ball joint front suspension replaces king pin suspension. Better torsion bars and shocks. Needle wheel bearings replace round wheel bearings.


1500 engine, 53hp. "Volkswagen" added to rear deck. Squared-off looking rear hood. Rear bumper overriders redesigned to clear new deck lid. Changed from 6 to 12 volt system in middle of year. Generator increased from 180 to 360 watts with change from 6 to 12 volts. Voltage regulator now mounted under rear seat instead of on generator. Wider swing axels provide wider track in rear. Clutch disk increased in size from 180 to 200 mm. 130 tooth (200mm) flywheel replaces 109 tooth (180mm) flywheel. Dual master cylinder brake system. Outside door handle has round push button. Recessed inside plastic door handles. Two-speed windshield wipers. Back-up lights. Single unit headlights. Locking buttons on doors. Driver armrest added. Slimmer outside chrome trim. Left outside mirror becomes standard equipment. Z-Bar added to rear suspension in an attempt to improve handling.


Automatic stick shift with double jointed rear axles added as an option. New bumpers. Hubcaps are now even flatter than before. Beginning of plastic dashes on bugs. Big black knob added to vent window handle. Gear shifter is now straight instead of crooked. Changed from five to four lug. Bigger front brakes. Bigger rear brakes. Solex 30 PICT-2 carburetor. Gas tank filler moved from under hood to right front fender. Brake fluid reservoir moved from under spare tire to driver side wall. Combined gas gauge into speedometer gauge. Gas gauge is now electrical instead of mechanical. Oil warning light changed from green to red. Outside door handle button now has to be squeezed instead of pushed. Larger tail lights. Head restraints built into front seat backrests. Energy-absorbing collapsible steering column. Exhaust emission control system.

late 1968

Front Hood release moved to glove compartment. Gas filler cover has inside release.


Double-jointed rear axles on all models. Swing axle transaxle is replaced by IRS transaxle. (Independent Rear Suspensn) Warning lights in speedometer identified by letters or symbols. Day/night rear-view mirror. Rear window defroster. Ignition lock combined with steering wheel lock. Warm air outlet at base of the doors moved rearward. Remote control knobs are mounted on door columns.

late 1969

Tenths of mile indicator on odometer.


1600 engine, 57hp. Larger turn signals. Larger tail lights with side reflectors on housing. Air intake slots on engine lid. Added a pressure control valve in lubrication system. (Dual relief case) Solex 30 PICT-3 carburetor. Diaphram spring clutch replaces coil spring clutch to provide quicker engagement with less pedal pressure. Head restraints on front seats reduced in size. Lock in glove compartment door. Remote control knobs for warm air outlets discontinued. Buzzer sounds when door is opened and key is left in ignition. "Formula Vee" Beetle introduced.

late 1970

New third and fourth gears with finer teeth resulted in better mesh and reduced transmission noise.


1600 engine with dual port heads introduced, 60hp. Installed a flow-through air system with vents behind rear windows. Tail lights changed again. Three part intake manifold. Chrome exhaust valve stems. New combination vacuum/centrifugal advance distributor. Installed the activated charcoal filter for the gas tank fumes. Solex 34 PICT-3 carburetor. Door buzzer. New oil cooler which causes a bump in the fan shrouding (dog house style) which cools cylinder number three better. Pressed-in engine mounting nut on the left side of case. New clutch throw-out assembly and ball bearing. Headlights go off when the ignition is off. First year of super beetle. It has McPherson struts and bigger front brakes.

B. Pack writes, "hey you missed one, in 1971 there was a champion edition it had slotted sport wheels with small center caps (slots were on the outside of the rim in a spoke like pattern not at all like the sport bugs (1973)and sport steering wheel and came in steel blue/ grey only (I believe), with stripes similar to the sport bug (of 1973)but had red in it with the black. it had special taper flared exhaust tips and black bumpers?(not 100% positive on the black bumpers though) and I cant recall if it had sport seats but the seats were cloth."

late 1971

Larger oil pump. Different camshaft with four rivets instead three holding camshaft gear. Seperate wiring harness added for VW Computer Analysis system.


Air intake slots on rear hood increased from two to four. Many more hoses and complicated gizmos for smog control. New steering column with safty collapse feature. New distributor with a vacuum retard at idle. Exhaust reburner. (EGR) New muffler. Transmission third and fourth gear synchronizer rings were modified to prevent fourth gear howling which sometimes resulted from a cold transmission. Special "Baja Bug" introduced. Ghia has bigger front disc pads.

late 1972

Tires changed from 5.60x15 to 6.00x15.


Horsepower drops from 60 to 58. Alternator replaces generator in mid-year and increases output to 600W. Improved intake pre-heating for faster cold-weather starts. Huge round taillights and front turn signals. Reinforcement of the engine case in the flywheel area near number 3 cylinder. Softer transmission mounting with different style mounts. More durable, easier to operate clutch. Porsche-style pressure plate. Oil drain plug removed from oil strainer cover. New three point front seats adjustable to 77 different positions. New heavy duty braced doors. New fuel pump redesigned with cutoff valve and made to clear alternator. Front and rear wheel bearings no longer require periodic lubrication. Redesigned fresh air system. Paper filter air cleaner. New curved windshield and expensive, big dash in super beetle. Interior light assembly changed. Stronger bumpers add an inch to overall length. "Sports Bug" introduced.


New self restoring energy absorbing bumpers. New quieter muffler. New cylinder head alloy for better heat dissipation. Steering wheel made more elastic to "give" more in case of an accident. Smaller front seat headrests give better visibility for a change. Computer check sensor pressed into top of block, close to flywheel, to read TDC (top dead center). Computer check sensor to check ignition voltage. Seat belt ignition interlock system added. Seat belt and brake warning lights combined into single unit. Super beetle and convertible have a bit of negative king pin offset for better tracking under braking conditions. Super beetle has a square glove compartment lock instead of round. Warning light for hand brake. Ghia has thicker front disc pads. Last year of Ghia in United States. "Love Bug" and "Sun Bug" introduced.

late 1974

Alternator has an integral regulator. Distributor is now vacuum and centrifically activated.


Fuel injection replaces carburetor. Engine case now made from a better alloy classified as AS21. It retains its original structure and sheds heat better than previous cases. Engine case no longer has a hole for the old mechanical fuel pump. "Fuel Injection" added to rear deck. Larger exhaust valve stems for better heat transfer. Clutch pedal pressure eased. New heat exchangers for greater output. Odometer triggers red warning light "EGR" in speedometer to notify drivers of service requirement. Single tailpipe. Last year of the super beetle in United States. "Le Grande Bug" introduced.


Metallic paint, full carpeting, sports-style wheel rim, and rear window defogger are now standard equipment. Redesigned front seats with improved back adjustments. All trim components chrome-plated. Two-speed fresh air fan standard on all models. Automatic Stick Shift discontinued.

late 1976

New speedometer with outer scale in miles per hour and inner scale in kilometer.


Front seats have new backrests with seperate adjustable headrests. Redesigned door panels. Redesigned pedal pads. Plastic headlight rings replace chrome-plated metal units. Last year of beetle in United States. "Champagne Edition" convertible introduced.


"Champagne II Edition" convertible introduced.


Intermittent windshield wiper system standard equipment. "Epilog" special edition released. Last year of convertible in United States.


Remaining cars built after 12/31/79 carried 1979 serial numbers for emission reasons. Most of the "1980" models were produced during the 1979 production year.

RE: Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Trích đoạn: phamhwng

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Lơ Xe
Xa Cảng Miền Tây
RE: Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Cảm ơn bác phamhwng :) Tui đang múa rìu qua mắt các thợ của Hội Saigon Beetle đó, tại vì tui chưa bao giờ có dịp cỡi một nàng Bọ thì làm sao mà "nói cho trúng" được chớ :D Bởi vậy mong các bác SBC lượng thứ :)

Để ráng nhai luôn bài bác đưa xem sao, nhưng như đã nói, chắc sẽ sai be bét :D Cám ơn bác :)
Hạng D
RE: Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Hôm wa trên TV có chiếu cuộc triễn lãm các em VW đó
Tập Lái
RE: Sơ yếu lý lịch của nàng Beetle

Cái này hữu ích quá bác ơi ! Em cảm ơn bác nhiều nha