Hạng D
Men vs. Women

Answer: Men

Men get more DUIs, traffic violations and are deemed responsible for a greater portion of car accidents.
But they also drive more miles than women—a lot more. Although a recent study indicates there are over one million more licensed female drivers than licensed male drivers, men drive about 40 percent more miles per year.
Some subject experts hypothesize that men – particular men under 25 – get in more accidents because they’re more prone to aggressive behavior and risk taking.
But let’s look at the numbers:
So men account for roughly 1.73^12 miles driven per year, while women drive a combined total of 1.07^12 miles per year.
That means men drive about 30 percent more miles than women. Yet, they’re implicated in slightly less than 30 percent of car accidents. Men do cause more accidents, but they are actually less at-risk than women, by a small margin.
From this topic also gave us the information: The men drive better than women but their statistics is average all the world. As you know Vietnamese women drive are not good as women of many countries ex. US, UK, ... => could not apply in Vietnam.